Facilities and Park Rules
Weddington Optimist Park
Weddington Optimist Park is located in Weddington, NC on NC Hwy 84. There are two entrances - the upper entrance is at 5211 Weddington Road. The park can also be accessed from the lower entrance at 5205 Weddington Road.
Monday - Saturday 8 AM - 10 PM (Gates are locked at 10 PM except for the completion of games already in progress.)
Sundays 1 PM - 10 PM (Except for special events such as tournaments or fundraisers)
LIGHTS: All park lights and scoreboards are to be shut off at 10 PM. If the park lights are left on after 10pm, park attendees shall immediately notify Dane Anderson at 704-771-9637 (cell).
TRASH: WCWAA prides itself on keeping the park clean and safe. Many trash containers are located throughout the park. We ask that each individual please be responsible for yourself and others around you. If we all do a little more it will go a long way to keeping our park clean for all to enjoy.
- No dogs or pets are allowed in the park.
- No tobacco products are allowed in the park.
- All park attendees, guests or visitors shall keep in mind that we have neighbors close to the park and should do their best not to intrude on the privacy and tranquility of our neighbors.
- No park attendees, guests or visitors shall honk their car horns in celebration while on park grounds.
- The use of air horns/sirens or any loud device by park attendees, guests or visitors is strictly prohibited.
- Trespassing on the private property adjacent to WCWAA by park attendees, guests or visitors for any reason including the retrieval of balls is prohibited.
- The harassment or intimidation of any neighbors of WCWAA or the neighbor’s pets is prohibited.
- The use of amplified music, stereos, boom boxes, or other portable music players must be in compliance with the local noise ordinances.